partition lognormal distribution function 分段对数正态函数
The LOGNORMDIST function returns the cumulative lognormal distribution. 函数返回累积对数正态分布。
Lorenz Curve and GINI Coefficient under Condition of Lognormal Distribution 基于对数正态分布的洛伦兹曲线与基尼系数
The species abundance distribution of fleas conformed to the lognormal distribution pattern. 蚤类群落的种多度分布服从对数正态分布。
The lognormal distribution, like the normal, is completely specified by its mean and standard deviation. 对数正态分布, 如同正态, 以其平均值和标准差被完全地指明。
The vertical and the horizontal coefficient of consolidation a lognormal distribution or a gamma distribution. 固结系数的概率分布一般为对数正态分布或伽玛分布。
In fact, Figure four shows a histogram of our dataset fitted against a three parameter lognormal distribution curve. 实际上,图4显示了我们数据集的直方图。
New estimators of lognormal distribution based on constant stress accelerated life tests data with nonconstant scale parameter 对数正态分布场合有非常数尺度参数恒加试验的参数估计