list sort
- 单词发音:英 [ lɪst sɔːt ]
- 基本解释:列表排序
- list sort 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 表排序
- n [uncount.](n [uncount.]) 不活泼,呆滞
list sort 相关例句更多>
- Generate an array of sort ranks for a list.
针对列表部分范围进行排序, 返回数组。
- You can sort the list by any of 7 criteria.
- Implement an algorithm to sort a linked list.
- But first, we must sort the list ascending counts.
不过, 我们先得按照由小到大的顺序排序。
- To sort the list, click the appropriate column heading.
要对列表进行排序, 请单击相应的列标题。
- Select the column head to sort the list by component name.
- Sort your messages by clicking the heading of any column in the message list.
单击邮件列表中任一列的标题, 可以对邮件进行排序。
- Sorting options to sort your image list alphabetically, ascending or descending.
- Click the column heading again to sort the list in descending alphabetical order.
再次单击该列标题, 将按字母顺序降序对列表进行排序。