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Li Chen

  • 基本解释:李晨
  • Li Chen 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 李晨,中国演员
  • 利歇尔

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Li Chen 相关例句更多>

  • Li LH, Xiang ZM, Chen LH, et al.
    李丽华, 项钟明, 陈立宏, 等。
  • Zhang HX, Chen XM, Li XM, et al.
    张红星, 陈新敏, 李秀梅, 等。
  • A Study of The Deeds of Dai Li and Chen Mingde
    戴笠, 陈明德事迹考
  • Elder Chen is replacing Elder Li as the new Zone Leader.
  • According to our statistics, Chen Li has cut120 syllables from.
  • Mr Li, Mrs Chen and Mr Wu are waiting for us in the dance hall.
    李先生, 陈太太和吴先生在舞厅等我们。
  • Chen Musen Li Yeqing Ji Changhua Tom Clough Daniel Bach Paul Thaler
  • Chen Li always asks me to come home earlier, and not to be so tired.
  • Chen GQ, Wang HT, Li ZG and Wu Q. Expression and purification of human Tyrosinase in Pichia pasteuris.
  • Chancellery is fraught, to fraud of kingly painful Chen Li, say to handle bad meeting a conquered nation.
    大臣心急如焚, 向国王痛陈利弊, 说弄不好会亡国。




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