XRay, CT, MRI, Interventional Radiology and Nuclear medicine. 影像医学和核医学讨论版。
Clinical study on fallopian tube occlusion repatency treatment with interventional radiology of 1032 cases 输卵管梗阻再通术的介入疗法
Clinical study on fallopian tube occlusion repatency treatment with interventional radiology of 1030 cases. 输卵管梗阻再通术得介入疗法
Furthermore, the role of interventional radiology in the early pathway of patients has proved to be beneficial. 此外, 介入放射学应用于早期患者也被证明是有好处的。
Clinical observation of efficacy of vascular and no vascular interventional radiology in hepatocellular carcinoma. 血管性与非血管性介入联合治疗原发性肝癌的疗效观察
The Emergency Treatment of Serious Hemorrhage Caused by Traumatic Rupture of Aneurysm of Internal Carotid within Cavernous Sinus by Interventional Radiology 急诊介入救治外伤性海绵窦颈内动脉瘤破裂大出血