in so far as
- 单词发音:英 [ in səʊ fɑ: æz ] 美 [ ɪn soʊ fɑr æz ]
- 基本解释:在…的范围内
- in so far as 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 在…的范围内
包含in so far as的单词更多>
in so far as 相关例句更多>
- The acceptation of these words are presented in so far as a dictionary.
- In so far as her mind could construe, she acknowledged benefits received.
- So far as contraindications are concerned, are not absolute in massage therapy.
关于推拿的禁忌症, 亦并非绝对的。
- So as far as worrying about anatomy in these speed things, that is an involved question.
- So far as I know, steel in a conventional steelwork is produced number of separate batches.
- The basis for trade, so far as supply is concerned, is found in differences in comparative costs.
- But in so far as either process must have the priority, it should be that of appreciation by use.
- In so far as he remains an acquintance of the suspect he is bound to avoid any conversation with him.
他认识疑犯, 必须避免与其交谈。
- So far as I knew, my mother, though not a professed atheist, had never given a thought to religion in her life.
- In his preteens he had a brief, intense religious experience, going so far as to criticize his assimilated family for eating pork, which is forbidden in the conservative Jewish religion.