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  • 基本解释:international telephone traffic office 国际话务局;International Tropical Timber Organization 国际热带木材组织
  • Itto 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) international telephone traffic office 国际话务局
  • 缩写词(abbr.) International Tropical Timber Organization 国际热带木材组织


  • ditto 同上,同上符号,很相似的东西
  • DITTO data interfile transfer, testing and operating utility 文件间数据传送,测试和操作实用程序
  • bittock <苏格兰>少许,一点儿
  • littoral 沿(海)岸地区
  • brittonic 布立吞人(或语)的
  • littorals 沿(海)岸地区( littoral的名词复数 )
  • adlittoral 浅水的
  • dittograph 重复的词,重书写
  • dittogrphy 词的重复
  • circumlittoral 沿海的

Itto 相关例句更多>

  • At least he got itto rhyme this time.
  • You probably need itto soak up the booze.
  • Children of my neighborhood disturb my life and make itto keep quiet.
  • He wanted to think about itto ponder over it, to decide whether it were best.
    他要好好想一想仔细地考虑一下, 决定这是否是上策。
  • To meet this need, itto develop a temperature control system and easy to operate.
    本文主要研制了一个温度测控系统, 控制极化槽温度。
  • Data volume of core image was big, not appropriate for storage and transfer, itto be compressed.
    岩心图像数据量很大, 不便存储和传输, 需要进行压缩。




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