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lawn green

  • 基本解释:草坪绿色
  • lawn green 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 草绿色
  • n [uncount.](n [uncount.]) 非法

lawn green 相关例句更多>

  • The lawn is green and fresh.
    草地上碧绿一片, 清新宜人。
  • Our lawn grass does not green up until the middle of May.
  • You have to work within the fence to make the lawn green and lush.
  • The platinum temple on all sides and green tree lawn, the fresh flowers glorious, the environment very daintiness.
    白金汉宫四周绿树草地, 鲜花锦簇, 环境极其优美。




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