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intend for

  • 单词发音:英 [ inˈtend fɔ: ] 美 [ ɪnˈtɛnd fɔr ]
  • 基本解释:希望…加入…;为…而准备
  • intend for 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 希望…加入…
  • 为…而准备

intend for 相关例句更多>

  • I also intend to put myself up for election in the fall.
  • They intend to hold the article over for the next edition.
  • I intend to release all karma for warfare and disease in my ancestry.
  • I intend to write to the shop asking for an explanation of this bill.
    我打算给商店写信, 要他们解释一下这个帐单。
  • How much discount do you intend to allow us for this order of feather goods?
    我们订购得这批羽绒制品, 你们打算给多少折扣?
  • How much discount do you intend to allow us for this order of feather goods ?
    我们订购的这批羽绒制品, 你们打算给多少折扣?
  • I intend to forgive my ancestry for feeling responsible for the falls of earth.
  • For those whom the concept of ascension is new, we invite you to Intend to Ascend.
  • I intend to anchor the new blueprint for the space between through the Healing Temples for Ascension.
  • For the foregoing reasons therefore Government does not intend to amend the Inland Revenue Ordinance as proposed.




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