acquire intangible assets at a fixed price 作价买进无形资产
Goodwill and other intangible fixed assets 商誉和其他无形资产
The company fixed assets, intangible assets, valuation and accounting management. 公司固定资产,无形资产的计价,入帐管理。
Explain the methods of depreciation and amortisation used for the main fixed and intangible assets. 解释用于主要固定及无形资产得折旧及摊销方法。
and shall implement the dynamic administration of the ledgers on depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets. 通过建立固定资产和无形资产折旧台账, 进行动态管理。
Balance the general account at end of every month, pay staff salary, make detail list of fixed assets, intangible assets and other fees. 似乎他在不在是个小问题,甚至不需要一个解释。