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management team

  • 基本解释:管理团队; 经营团队
  • management team 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 管理团队; 经营团队

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  • Coordinate travel arrangements for Site manager and management team.
  • A new, young management team was appointed, headed by Cao Jie as chairman.
    年轻的新管理层走马上任, 曹杰出任董事长。
  • The IPC Headquarters and its Management Team are located in Bonn, Germany.
  • The new management team turned the ailing company around in under six months.
  • The management team meets several times a week to juggle budgets and resources.
  • Be part of the logistic management team. Assist General manager in strategy formulation
    作为物流中心管理团队的一员, 协助总经理制定战略。
  • For a time, Mr Cayne and his management team continued to laugh all the way to the bank.
    有一段时间, 凯恩和他的管理层笑声不断。
  • Have a professional management team and advanced technology and professional cleaning equipment.
  • The Director did not have either a deputy or a management team to assist him with his management work.
  • Stephen Odell, CEO of Volvo Cars, added, The Volvo management team fully endorses Fords sale of Volvo Cars to Geely.




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