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major case

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈmeidʒə keis ] 美 [ ˈmedʒɚ kes ]
  • 基本解释:[法]重大案件
  • major case 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [法]重大案件

major case 相关例句更多>

  • The criminal police are working on a major case.
  • Case under review purely attributable to force major.
    事件经过检查, 纯系无法抗拒之因素所致。
  • Disney animated film Mulan is used as a major case study.
  • Case attrition is a major factor in the criminal justice system.
  • Circumstances beyond our control case fall exactly under force major.
    事件系无法抗拒之因素所致, 我方无法控制。
  • Encounter have major case, communicate in time talk things over solve.
    遇有重大情况, 及时沟通协商解决。
  • In case there are any major divergent opinions, adequate negotiation shall be made.
    有重大分歧意见的, 应当充分协商。
  • In case of a major military move the offender would stand in violation of the agreement.
  • Revelation Drawn from the Scandal of the False Accounting Case of Some U.S Major Companies
  • In case of excessive bleeding, classical therapeutic means continue to be of major importance.
    在失血过多的情况, 古典治疗手段仍然是主要的重要性。




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