The people were against autocratic monarchy. 人民反对君主专制。
Collision of Sima Qian's Legal Ideals with Autocratic Monarchy 司马迁的法治理想与君主专制制度的碰撞
Feudal serfdom and autocratic monarchy were the main contents of feudalism. 封建农奴制和君主专制是当时封建制度的主要内容。
On Breach of Duty and Autocratic Monarchy of Central Government Officials in Five Dynasties 论五代中央职官的失职与君主专制
On Autocratic Monarchy in the Feudal Society and the Functional Theory of Art and Literature 封建社会的君主专制与文艺功能论
On Breach of Duty and Autocratic Monarchy of Central Government Officials in Five Dynasties. 论五代中央职官得失职与君主专制
Probing into the forming, essence of autocratic monarchy and the way to rescue the populace. 探究帝制的形成,实质以及国家和民众的救赎之道。
On the Impact of Political Thinking Oneness on the Early Qin Autocratic Monarchy Establishment 试论一政治思维对秦帝制初创之影响
This was the fundamental reason why the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius had become the ruling thoughts of autocratic monarchy in Imperial China. 这是孔孟之道成为中华帝制统治思想的根本原因。