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attack area

  • 单词发音:英 [ əˈtæk ˈɛəriə ] 美 [ əˈtæk ˈɛriə ]
  • 基本解释:[体]进攻区
  • attack area 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [体]进攻区

attack area 相关例句更多>

  • Set aspecific unit to attack a specific trigger area
  • The Feasible Area of Effectual Attack of the Wake Homing Torpedo
  • In the local area network classics regular meeting has aggressor to launch baleful attack.
  • The Jin Dynasty concentrated armed forces to attack Shan'xi province for capturing this military area.
    金兵为夺取这一军事要地, 集结重兵进攻陕西。
  • An acropolis is an ancient Greek citadel, situated on an area of high ground in order to protect it from attack.
    雅典卫城是古希腊的要塞, 为了免受攻击, 它建造在高地上。




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