Please list your name in the attendance register. 请在点名册上登记你得名字。
According to the attendance register, he has never been late. 从学校的签到簿上看,他从来没有迟到过。
Use an attendance register if you need a demographic profile of your audience. 可以使用出席登记表,如果你需要观众概况的话。
Attendance figures normally include only the people who actually register for the convention. 出席人数一般只包括实际登记参加会议的人。
A separate attendance register in a form approved by the director shall be kept for each class. 每一班级须按署长所批准的形式备存一本点名册。
Check the time card of the staff once in a month and compare with the attendance register to be maintained in the Department. 每月检查员工的时间卡并与保留在本部门的签到簿比较。