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a little bit

  • 单词发音:英 [ ə ˈlitl bit ] 美 [ e ˈlɪtl bɪt ]
  • 基本解释:一点点
  • a little bit 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 一点点

a little bit 相关例句更多>

  • a little bit of a temper.
  • A little bit love be able to change a lot.
  • And I had a little bit of a problem a few years ago.
  • Dick and I had a certain, a little bit of a rapport.
  • About 8 years ago, I went through a little bit of a hard time.
  • Can i need and claim a little bit more? Just a little bit anymore?
  • With just a little bit of planning, accomplishing a goal is a simple task.
    只要一点点计划, 实现一个目标是一个简单任务。
  • I add a little bit of inert gas, there's a little bit more entropy of mixing.
    加入一点惰性气体, 就会有一点混合熵。
  • And I had a little bit of a, it was very private, a little bit of a meltdown.
  • With a little bit of practice, it's pretty straightforward for a human being to do this, although we do have the advantage of having.
    經過一些練習 人類很容易可以做到 雖然我們有優勢




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