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glacier ice

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈɡlæsjə ais ] 美 [ ˈɡleʃɚ aɪs ]
  • 基本解释:冰川冰
  • glacier ice 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 冰川冰

glacier ice 相关例句更多>

  • Berg A mass of ice broken off from a glacier and floating in the sea.
  • That debris protected the remaining glacier ice for millions of years.
  • Pine Island glacier is one of many at the fringes of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
  • When the glacier became detached from the ridge, the ice flow was able to accelerate significantly.
    当冰川和海脊分开, 冰流速度就大大加快。
  • Pine Island Glacier is rapidly retreating, accounting for a large part of West Antarcticas ice loss.
    由于南极洲西面失去大块的冰, 松岛冰正在快速地退缩。
  • Records of Precipitation in the Muztag Ata Ice Core and Its Climate Significance to Glacier Water Resources
  • Pieces of glacier that break off become mixed with thin sea ice in a jumble of ice fragments on the fjords surface.
  • Essential acquaintance glacier thawing and occurrence of icicle will be not to get away to measure thickness of ice layer.
  • The scientists from both America and China discovered a large glacier in the middle of Tibet, named the Puruogangri Ice Field.
  • Snowfall on the highlands upstream is gradually buried and compressed until it becomes ice, and the ice flows downhill into the glacier.




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