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head piece

  • 单词发音:英 [ hed pi:s ] 美 [ hɛd pis ]
  • 基本解释:头片
  • head piece 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 头片

包含head piece的单词更多>

head piece 相关例句更多>

  • A piece of sky falling on my head!
  • Then fit them over the head piece and sew down.
    然后把它们放到头部, 用针线固定。
  • An oblong piece of cloth used to cloak the head and shoulders.
  • Make Chongqing male crouch home autocycle big board piece head.
  • Pl. Scarfs A long piece of cloth worn about the head, neck, or shoulders.
    围巾围在头部, 颈部或肩膀的一块长布。
  • Khalil's head is bandaged with a bloody patch where he took a piece of shrapnel.
  • A large thick piece of lumber flew off a truck and landed on a mans head and got stuck around his neck.
    一块木板从卡车滑落, 落在一男子头部后卡在脖子上。
  • He played a piece of elegant quaint music for the cow, but the cow just kept grazing the grass with its head down.
    他给牛弹奏了一曲古雅的曲子, 牛埋头吃草不理他。
  • He played another piece of joyful music, but the cow still kept its head down to graze the grass and totally ignored him.
    他又弹奏了一曲欢快的曲子, 牛依然埋头吃草不理他。
  • The domestically produced piece wrests away the ticket head of family branch position and the introduction piece quantity not absolutely relations.




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