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due to

  • 单词发音:英 [ djuː tu ] 美 [ duː tu ]
  • 基本解释:欠下债[账],应给予;由于;因为;应归于
  • due to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 欠下债[账],应给予
  • 由于
  • 因为
  • 应归于

包含due to的单词更多>

  • duetto 二重唱,二重奏曲

due to 相关例句更多>

  • Jenny had to brave her father's anger due to her refusal to attend university.
    珍妮以身犯险, 不肯上大学, 所以不得不面对父亲得盛怒。
  • This theory which is due to a fart is just like a theory which is due to an apple.
    这是一个屁引发的理论, 就像一个苹果引发的理论一样。
  • On to the beginning of 1, due to the heavy study, all amateur learning to have terminated.
  • This phenomenon was neither due to the barrier of language, nor due to different personalities.
    这种现象既不是因为语言障碍, 也不是因为不同的个性所致。
  • Due to his wife's illness, he returned to the State Department as special adviser to the President.
  • We are sorry to announce that due to fog all incoming flights are subject to delay and cancellation.
    非常抱歉, 由于有雾, 所有进港的航班都将延误或被取消。
  • I regret to inform you that due to the late arrival of my flight, I won't be able to join the meeting.
  • We seemed to have got off on the wrong foot when we started to market our new products, due to our ignorance of the actual market needs
  • Effect of Drugs for Warming Channels to Dispel Coldness and Activating Blood Circulation to Remove Blood Stasis on Model of Blood Stasis Due to Coldness
  • It is a crucial battle field wanted by both parties due to its advantageous geographic location, making the place easy to defend and difficult to attack.

due to的近反义词




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