to distinguish between innocent and guilty 判别无辜和有罪
Can you distinguish between an authentic Antique and a fake one? 你能辨认古董真品和赝品吗?
She can distinguish between a genuine antique and a reproduction. 她能辨出真假古董。
Children should be taught to distinguish between right and wrong. 孩子应该学会辨明是非。
At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong? 儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非?
Chinese script does not distinguish between upper or lower case letters. 汉字不区分大小写。
Assessment of the responsibility to distinguish, between economic compensation. 考核中分清责任, 相互间进行经济补偿。
Can you distinguish between the Carlson's twins? They are so similar it's often difficult to distinguish one from the other. 你能分清卡尔森家的那对双胞胎吗?他俩长得太像了,有时候真的很难分清谁是谁。