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fall out

  • 单词发音:英 [ fɔːl aʊt ] 美 [ fɔːl aʊt ]
  • 基本解释:争吵;结果;解散; 掉队
  • fall out 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 争吵
  • 结果
  • 解散
  • 掉队

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fall out 相关例句更多>

  • And you cannot afford to fall out of favor with the king.
  • The uterus would fall out, literally fall out of the body.
  • If you love someone, you can always fall out of love again.
  • Bad habits are easy to fall into but not so easy to fall out of.
  • Uninstall the applications when they fall out of the scope of management.
    当应用程序不再处于管理范围内时, 将其卸载。
  • As the language grows, new words are accepted and many words fall out of use.
    随着语言的发展, 新词不断被采用, 而有许多词却停止使用了。
  • Murder will out. Be careful the skeleton will one day fall out of the closet.
    若要人不知, 除非己莫为。你小心, 事情总有被揭发的一天!
  • How did it fall out that two men arrived to address the same meeting at the same time?
  • After we had gone a few miles one of us had to fall out as a result of a sprained ankle.
  • Four New Makeup Looks for Fall Out of all the seasons, none but autumn displays such a glorious array of warm colors.

fall out的近反义词




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