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hospital fire

  • 基本解释:医院火灾
  • hospital fire 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 医院火灾

hospital fire 相关例句更多>

  • The psychotic attempted to fire the hospital.
  • The hospital had been hit with heavy artillery fire.
  • A fire broke out in a hospital last night, but no one was killed.
    昨夜一家医院发生火灾, 无丧生。
  • The fire fighter rescues the wounded sends to hospital, the situation is serious.
    消防员将伤者救出送院, 情况严重。
  • It is estimated that the 8,000 people who will commute to work in Copenhagen will pay Danish taxes, yet send their children to school, visit the hospital and call the fire department in Sweden.




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