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hitch up

  • 单词发音:英 [ hitʃ ʌp ] 美 [ hɪtʃ ʌp ]
  • 基本解释:拉起(坐时把膝部裤管稍向上拉,以保持裤线挺直)
  • hitch up 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 拉起(坐时把膝部裤管稍向上拉,以保持裤线挺直)

hitch up 相关例句更多>

  • Let's hitch up and get out of here.
  • The cart is heavy and we need to hitch up a big mule.
  • excuse me, if i were to give up on the first little hitch.
    我很抱歉, 如果我当初遇到点小麻烦就放弃的话
  • Hitch up my carriage, let me ask him for longer to pay back the loan.
  • Go tell Pork to hitch up the carriage and take you over to play with Beau.
    去告诉波克, 让他套车送你到那边跟? ? ? ? 玩去。

hitch up的近反义词




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