As organization is concerned, the novel of Thomas Hardy could be said. 在结构上, 哈代小说可谓匠心独具。
Coherence of a paragraph is concerned with its form, or its organization. 段落的连贯性与其形式或架构有关。
He was concerned with organization of the complicated leg, ankle, and foot actions. 他关心的是复杂的腿,踝,脚部运动的组成。
Undertakes mass organization of activity and the prize stipend matters concerned this school. 承办本校之社团活动及奖助学金事宜。
The people court may set up a liquidation organization composed of personnel from the organs concerned. 人民法院可以组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织。
The Commission should, however, clarify the question of competing claims by the State of nationality and the international organization concerned. 委员会应澄清国籍国和有关国际组织竞相索赔的问题。