Completely centralized management and administration 完全集中的管理和控制
Study on the centralized management model of tuberculosis 结核病归口管理模式的探讨
Put under centralized management by specialized departments 关税壁垒归口管理
centralized management by specialized departments of industry 行业归口管理
Reform on centralized management of military financial affairs forges ahead steadily 全军资金集中支付改革稳步推进
Laboratory Teaching System of Centralized Management and Used by Several Departments is imperative 统管共用实验教学管理体制势在必行
Strengthen the centralized management by specialized departments to reinforce the competitive power of enterprises 加强归口管理,提高企业的竞争力
Discussion about mobilizing the enthusiasm of accounting personnel after centralized management of business bookkeeping 谈会计集中核算后如何调动会计人员积极性
Analysis of effect to registration rate and cure rate on TB control project after centralized management of tuberculosis 肺结核归口管理对病例登记率和治愈率影响的分析
The Distribution Form of Drug Import Ports, the Drug Inspection Administrations and Drug Inspection Offices under Centralized Management 药品进口口岸与归口管理的药监局及药品检验所分配表