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cause trouble

  • 单词发音:英 [ kɔ:z ˈtrʌbl ] 美 [ kɔz ˈtrʌbəl ]
  • 基本解释:肇事;闹乱子;肇祸;召祸
  • cause trouble 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 肇事
  • 闹乱子
  • 肇祸
  • 召祸

cause trouble 相关例句更多>

  • Why do you always cause trouble?
  • Are infant spirits really able to cause trouble ?
  • If you lock up your anger it will only cause trouble later.
  • Rather than cause trouble, I am going to forget the whole affair.
    我想把这事完全忘掉, 而不是若麻烦。
  • Someone is trying to cause trouble. Go and give him the bums rush.
    有人想闹事, 你去把他请出去。
  • This one can cause trouble, because speed is often in conflict with good sense.
  • Getting angry and using harsh language will only cause trouble to oneself in the long run.
    生气并说刻薄话, 最后只会自讨苦吃。
  • You can obediently fulfill your apparent destiny, or you can cause trouble by wandering off.
  • The government declared that it would use the mailed fist if its opponents continued to cause trouble.
  • In olden times, a person could be beheaded for the misuse of yellow. It can also cause trouble today if a person associates himself with the wrong yellow.




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