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credit card

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈkredɪt kɑːd ] 美 [ ˈkredɪt kɑːrd ]
  • 基本解释:信用卡,签账卡
  • credit card 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 信用卡,签账卡
  • credit card 词态变化: 复数: credit cards

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  • Please choose'Credit Card Customer Credit Card service.
  • Long Card Credit Card is the standard international Credit Card.
    龙卡贷记卡, 国际标准信用卡。
  • Shirley My husband said he had a credit card. Do you accept credit card.
  • My credit card is missing. I called and reported that my credit card was missing.
  • A dynamically chosen credit card service verifies a customer's credit card information.
  • According to the credit grade, Credit Card is distinguished as gold card and classic card.
    按信用程度, 信用卡可分为金卡和普通卡。
  • Check credit card voucher with the latest credit card cancellation bulletins if applicable.
    如可能, 了解最近取消的信用卡的目录。
  • Process and monitor credit card billings to and collections from the credit card companies.
    及时提供信用卡的帐单, 并负责收取帐款。
  • Credit Card Cardholder Credit Card fraud Malicious overdraft Identified Investigation Procedure Investigative tactics.
  • It includes consumer credit, credit card and mobile home credit. ln pace with the groWth of national economy, theKABB will be sure to engender and development.
    它包括消费信贷, 个人住房按揭和信用卡服务。




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