Methods Depressive disorders can have both direct and indirect costs. 方法抑郁障碍的经济花费包括直接花费和间接花费。
Female gender and older age were associated with depressive disorders. 女性和年龄较大者与抑郁有关。
It is much the same with taking medication for depressive and bipolar disorders. 这对于服药用以治疗抑郁症和躁郁症是同样的道理。
Among the other commonly recognized character disorders is depressive character. 在其他常见的性格障碍中, 有一种抑郁性格。
Before puberty, boys and girls are equally likely to develop depressive disorders. 在青春期前,男孩和女孩患抑郁性障碍的几率相当。
The causes of mood dysfunction, as seen in depressive and bipolar disorders, are still not fully understood. 抑郁症和双向情感障碍中情感紊乱的原因尚未完全弄清。
A comparative study on the characteristics of committing an offence between patients with major depression and other depressive disorders 不同类型抑郁障碍患者作案特征的比较