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demand for

  • 单词发音:英 [ diˈmɑ:nd fɔ: ] 美 [ dɪˈmænd fɔr ]
  • 基本解释:要求…
  • demand for 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 要求…

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  • There's a great demand for typists but little demand for clerks.
  • Sputtering overall demand tends to reduce demand for capital, too.
  • And there is demand for regional beer, for craft beer, for microbrews.
  • Demand for skilled workers is high but there is no demand for unskilled one s.
  • For instance, creation of new offences might increase the demand for legal aid.
  • The flexibility method is very appealing for its less demand for modal parameters.
  • The fight against the demand for heroin in the West calls for more effective action.
  • Cotton demand soared, but the cotton gin also multiplied the demand for slave labor.
    棉花需求迅速增长, 但轧棉机也使对奴隶劳工的需求倍增。
  • The insufficiency of civil demand in our country is mainly expressed in the insufficiency of the effective demand for consumption goods.
    我国国内需求不足, 突出表现为对消费资料的有效需求不足。
  • Spake is in demand for charity functions, has written a book to go with the series, and is now on leave from Aeroflot, working for the BBC on ideas for new shows.




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