The brightness of a star depends on its surface temperature and size. 恒星的亮度取决于它的表面温度和大小。
Antenna pattern correction and brightness temperature algorithm of SMR 星载微波辐射计的天线方向图校正和亮温计算
Weather means day or night, brightness, temperature and seasonal changes. 天是指阴晴,昼夜,暑寒,四季变化。
An Estimation of Brightness Temperature for Vegetated Surface by Matrix Doubling Method and IEM 用双矩阵法和积分方程模型估算地表的亮度温度
When the lower limit when the temperature a little down the brightness of the combined product will decrease. 当下限温度稍向下时复合产品的亮度就会有所下降。
The high brightness temperature of the pulsar radio emission implies that the underlying emission mechanism must be coherent. 极高的亮温度意味着起作用的发射机制一定是相干的。
Analyzing the Errors Caused by FOV Effect on the Ground Observations of Directional Brightness Temperature over a Row Structured Canopy 垄行作物玉米方向亮温野外测量中视场角影响的简单分析