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  • 基本解释:Boila



Boilǎ 相关例句更多>

  • How much oil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil
    如果橡胶罐能把油煮开的话, 它可以煮开多少油呢?
  • How much oil boil can gun boil boil if gun boil can boil oil ?
    如果橡胶罐能够把油煮开的话, 它可以煮开多少油泥?
  • How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil
    如果胶煮沸可能煮沸油, 胶能煮沸多少油煮沸煮沸?
  • My affection resembles Chinese cabbage side, boil also boil not sodden
    我的情像白菜帮, 煮也煮不烂
  • Boil water. Put crabsticks in and boil for 5 minutes,take out and set aside.
  • Boil water. Add spareribs, herbs and garlic cloves and bring to a boil again.
  • Boil hot Wash cauliflower cut into small pieces, boil in hot boiling water picked up after the drain.
    汆烫白花椰菜切小块洗净, 以滚水汆烫后捞起沥干。
  • Bring some vegetable stock to the boil, drop in the sliced turnip and boil for a while, remove to a soup boil.
  • Above all, put almond in boiler to boil, it is OK to boil almond skin till the denude of small suggestion comes.
  • Will black agaric is abluent, red jujube goes nucleus, add water right amount, boil half hour left and right sides.




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