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cooling down

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈku:lɪŋ daun ] 美 [ ˈkulɪŋ daʊn ]
  • 基本解释:降温
  • cooling down 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 降温

cooling down 相关例句更多>

  • The water is cooling down.
  • It was cooling down until about 1898 or so.
    它从1900年左右就 开始冷却了。
  • Steam condenses into water when cooling down.
  • Dust the tart with icing sugar after cooling down.
    等完全冷却后, 撒上糖粉即可食用。
  • By warming up before and cooling down after your workout.
    健身前要热身, 健身后要做缓和运动。
  • Replace the lamp only when it is cooling down and switched off the power.
    更换灯泡必须把电源关了, 并等冷却后。
  • Sally's friendship for Susan seems to have been cooling down for sometime.
  • Another signal of cooling down is the price of wind turbines has begun to decline.
  • Plate from the dryer, and advance the process of gradually cooling down the production line.
  • There have a lot of dendritic carbonitrides in the grain boundaries when the casting slab steel cooling down to the room temperature.




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