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combine with

  • 单词发音:英 [ kəmˈbain wið ] 美 [ kəmˈbaɪn wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:与…结合;兼具
  • combine with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 与…结合
  • 兼具

combine with 相关例句更多>

  • To treat or combine with ammonia.
  • Using the inspection management should combine with the actual situation of enterprises.
    运用点检制, 应与企业实际情况相联系。
  • Establish the proper wages system and the wages policy, which combine with the achievement.
    建立一定的工资制度和工资政策, 与绩效考核紧密结合。
  • Influence of Acupuncture Combine with Acupoint Catgut Embedding of Obesity with Retarded Menstruation.
  • a molecule or ion that can combine with another by forming a covalent bond with two electrons of the other
  • Since dietary fibers can combine with cholic acid, the generated bilirubin will be discharged with dejection.
  • To achieve water resources utilization effectively, water right distribution must combine with economic lever.
  • Two Cases with Infant Cough Treated by Ventilate Lung and Invigorate Spleen Combine with Promate Digestion and Remove food Stagnation
  • The accounting speciality must insist on the principle that basic theories and methods combine with cultivation of the operative skill.
  • In blender, squeeze juice of lime. Add mango and blend. Add other ingredients and blend. Combine with ice and garnished with a lime wedge or wheel.




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