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with a view to

  • 单词发音:英 [ wið ə vju: tu: ] 美 [ wɪð e vju tu ]
  • 基本解释:为了,为的是;目的在于
  • with a view to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 为了,为的是
  • 目的在于

with a view to 相关例句更多>

  • To a great extent, I agree with you on the view.
    在很大程度上, 我同意你的看法。
  • Confer with others with a view to reaching agreement.
  • Yet, in actual life we invariably initiate action with a view to a result.
  • We are doing this with a view to halting Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.
  • We are quite unable to agree with the majority view in the Committee for a number of reasons.
  • In addition, ad business moves farther with a view to advertisement, video advertisement and gregarious network.
    此外, 广告商将进一步着眼于移动广告, 视频广告和社交网络。
  • Furthermore, we adopted a similar classification with a view to publishing the two bibliographies simultaneously.
  • With a view to further my studies, I would like to apply for admission to your Chemistry Department to pursue a Ph. D. Degree.
    为了进一步深造, 我想向贵校化学系申请攻读博士学位。
  • The forces of law and order were increased immediately with a view to ensuring the security and safety of the accredited embassies.

with a view to的近反义词




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