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slap around

  • 单词发音:英 [ slæp əˈraund ] 美 [ slæp əˈraʊnd ]
  • 基本解释:连续猛击;粗暴地对待
  • slap around 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 连续猛击
  • 粗暴地对待

slap around 相关例句更多>

  • I'll just slap him around a little.
  • Attack you? All I did was slap you around a little bit.
  • Slap myself twice, and that woke me up. I'm fooling around these days.
  • The sound of the slap along with her gasp of pain, echoed around the room.
    啪的一声和她疼懂的呻吟声, 回荡在屋内。
  • Yes, and. If you wanna slap her around a bit, you'll get no complaints from me.
    没错,如果你想扇她耳光 我也绝对毫无怨言。




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