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on the point of

  • 单词发音:英 [ ɔn ðə pɔint ɔv ] 美 [ ɑn ði pɔɪnt ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:即将;临到
  • on the point of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 即将
  • 临到

on the point of 相关例句更多>

  • The meeting is adjourned on a point of order.
  • On the point of contradiction, both face it bravely and do not accused.
    在有矛盾分歧处, 敢于面对并不怕相互指责。
  • Just as he was on the point of following Old Cheng's advice, Mr. Cao left.
    刚要依着老程的劝告, 去找曹先生, 曹先生会走了。
  • Analysis on Notice to Contributors of Academic Periodicals from the Point of Law.
  • On the Calculation of Solvent Activity from Freezing point Depression of Solutions
  • Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture at Point Taixi in Treating Poststroke Dysphagia.
  • Cerebral Function Imaging Research on Relative Specificity of Acupuncture the Point of Shenmen
  • Research on the method of analysis and simulation of the ballistic missile point of fall accuracy
  • Study on the Method of Survering and Adjusting Curve through Setting the Instrument of Total Station at any Proper Point
  • An Explanation on the Rationality of Modernization Should be Taken as New Academic Growth Point in Philosophy of Science and Technology

on the point of的近反义词




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