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no sooner than

  • 单词发音:英 [ nəʊ 'suːnə(r) ðæn ] 美 [ noʊ 'sunər ðæn ]
  • 基本解释:一…就…
  • no sooner than 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 副词(adv.) 一…就…

no sooner than 相关例句更多>

  • The ship had no sooner dropped anchor than a storm broke.
  • No sooner had he appeared than the journalists moved towards him.
  • No sooner had he ended his speech than stormy applause broke out.
  • No sooner had Annixter appeared than her heart leaped and quivered.
  • This decided feat was no sooner accomplished than the woman resumed her sway.
  • No sooner had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got to her feet and protest.
    这项建议在会议上一宣布, 她就站起来提出异议。
  • But no sooner than it evaporates from academia, it reemerges elsewhere, often with a vengeance.
  • No sooner were the pieces of charcoal rubbed against the glass rod than electricity appeared on the rod.
  • He had no sooner drunk the coffee than he began to feel drowsy. No sooner had he drunk the coffee than he began to feel drowsy.
    他喝了咖啡没多一会儿, 就犯困了。
  • No sooner had the thief stolen the wallet, than he was caught by the police. As the saying goes: coveting the gains ahead, unaware of danger behind.




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