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like hell

  • 单词发音:英 [ laik hel ] 美 [ laɪk hɛl ]
  • 基本解释:拼命地(干);绝不
  • like hell 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 拼命地(干)
  • 绝不

like hell 相关例句更多>

  • I look like hell. I got bags under my eyes.
  • He worked like hell to get the house built.
  • Like hell! hey, Mrs. Solis, can I see the baby?
    见鬼去! 我能看看孩子么?
  • Like hell! hey, mrs. solis, can I see the baby?
    见鬼去! 我能看看孩子么?
  • I hate canker sores! They always hurt like hell.
  • Don't blame me. I tried like hell to dissuade him.
  • But I can tell you she is fighting like hell to stay alive.
    但是我可以告诉你们, 她正在为了继续活下去而顽强战斗。
  • I wouldn't blame you if you ran like hell and never looked back.
    你要是一走了之,再也不回头 我也不会怪你。
  • That is how much I loved someone. Ballet to me is like hell on earth!
    那就是我表达爱的方式, 芭蕾对我而言就像是人间天堂。
  • Andy fights like hell, but is soon overpowered and forced to his knees.




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