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fall to

  • 单词发音:英 [ fɔ:l tu: ] 美 [ fɔl tu ]
  • 基本解释:开始;落到…;被击败;倒在…
  • fall to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 开始
  • 落到…
  • 被击败
  • 倒在…

包含fall to的短语更多>

fall to 相关例句更多>

  • It will fall to the Senate to adjudicate.
  • Don't wait for the fall, to remember the advice.
  • It will probably fall to my lot to die a bachelor.
  • In his absence, the task would fall to the best man.
    在他缺席时, 任务可能落到伴郎身上。
  • You can fall to this degree, also alcohol is caused!
    你会落到这个地步, 也是酒精引起的!
  • Love mutually to fall to with the ship anchor man lovers silver
  • Once, accidentally let fall to the ground chemicals, causing the train explosion.
    一次, 不小心让化学物品摔落到地上, 引起了火车爆炸。
  • Even painful have to want to cry, helpless stick some rheumatism to fall to beat a cream!
    甚至疼得想哭, 无奈贴点风湿跌打膏!
  • Polar bears on Hudson Bay fast during the summer, waiting for ice to form in the fall to hunt.
  • Fiscal deficits have been allowed to rise and interest rates to fall to stimulate aggregate demand.
    他们允许财政赤字扩大, 并通过降息刺激总需求。




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