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make an agreement

  • 单词发音:英 [ meik æn əˈɡri:mənt ] 美 [ mek ən əˈɡrimənt ]
  • 基本解释:达成协议,取得一致意见
  • make an agreement 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 达成协议,取得一致意见

make an agreement 相关例句更多>

  • Let's just make an agreement.
  • Make sure your agreement has an escape clause.
  • Two sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement.
    一穗两雀争, 意见乱纷纷。
  • When to sides make an agreement, they see eye to eye with each other.
  • Make an agreement with me, and I will help you bring all Israel over to you.
    又说, 你与我立约, 我必帮助你, 使以色列人都归服你。
  • Will he make an agreement with you for you to take him as your slave for life
  • Come, let us make an agreement, you and I and let it be for a witness between us.
    现在, 来, 让我们在你我之间立约, 作你我之间的证据。
  • Will he make an agreement with you, so that you may take him as a servant for ever?
    岂肯与你立约, 使你拿它永远作奴仆吗?
  • But still I will keep in mind the agreement made with you in the days when you were young, and I will make with you an eternal agreement.
    然而我要追念在你幼年时与你所立的约, 也要与你立定永约。




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