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be capable of

  • 单词发音:英 [ bi ˈkeɪpəbl ɒv ] 美 [ bi ˈkeɪpəbl əv ]
  • 基本解释:能够
  • be capable of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 能够

be capable of 相关例句更多>

  • be capable of anything
  • To be able to accomplish for themselves all that they are capable of.
    为了能够让他们都能实现自我, 所有他们能力可及的。
  • Must be able to ensure work will be capable of submission to the Apple App Store.
  • Each descriptor must be capable of accommodating the contents of the other descriptor.
  • The intelligent video image analysis system shall be capable of analysis using thermal or infrared cameras.
  • We hope that the technology to be imported must be advanced and capable of developing and producing new products.
  • The blender should be capable of providing a supply of adequately mixed ingredients at the desired treatment rate.
  • No secret agent in a bricks-and-mortar mall would be capable of such spying, of course. Nor would be tolerated there.
  • The enterprise shall be capable of conduction independent accounting and dependently calculating its profits and losses.
    能够独立核算, 独立计算盈亏。
  • It occurred to me that young people must be capable of functioning as competent adults, or the human race quite probably would not exist.
    最起码, 奥巴马错过了一个本可以展示其领导力的机会。




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