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  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈləʊtəs ] 美 [ ˈloʊtəs ]
  • 基本解释:莲花;荷花;忘忧果;落拓枣
  • lotus 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 莲花
  • 名词(n.) 荷花
  • 名词(n.) 忘忧果
  • 名词(n.) 落拓枣
  • lotus 大小写变形: LOTUS
  • lotus 词态变化: 复数: lotuses


  • LOTUS Ladies Organized to Unfetter Sexuality 性解放妇女组织
  • lotuses 莲( lotus的名词复数 )
  • lotusland 安逸乡,安逸
  • Melilotus [医] │草木犀属


lotus 相关例句更多>

  • Yet the lotus blossoms in the lotus ponds care nothing about such matters.
    不过, 极乐莲池里的莲花, 并不理会这等事。
  • Explain women of Italy with lotus flower, lotus, tree peony, plum blossom, etc.
    用莲花, 荷花, 牡丹, 梅花等喻意女性。
  • Lifelike west luxuriant lotus flavor, apply to the west luxuriant lotus flavor beverage
  • Under this condition, the color aroma shape of drying lotus tea can approach that of fresh lotus
  • The lotus flowers on the bottom of lotus seeds are still with beads, which look quite fresh and beautiful.
    莲座上的莲花还带着水珠, 看着清新漂亮。
  • The window narrative of the shallow lotus green up use silk thread to briefly adorn to join Di lotus pattern.
  • Teng White Lotus Lake, also known as merciless lotus root, characterized by lotus root is not even broken wire.
  • Represent a plant Hollow lotus seed is careless grass of renown water earthnut, lotus seed happy drought, hollow amaranth.
  • In his late years, he lived in Lotus Cave on Lushan Mountain and set up Lianxi Academy where he gave lectures and planted lotus.
  • Lotus lotus root Contamination of path of can cleared bowel, prevent defecate to harden, stimulate alvine wall, prevent constipation.




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