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make way for

  • 单词发音:英 [ meɪk weɪ fɔː(r) ] 美 [ meɪk weɪ fɔːr ]
  • 基本解释:让路给,为…开路
  • make way for 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 让路给,为…开路

make way for 相关例句更多>

  • People did make way for him because he was a tax collector.
    但当时的人并不喜欢税吏, 所以见到他的时候, 可能也会避开。
  • She moved a couple of the blankets to make way for the pillows.
    她挪开两个毯子, 给这些枕头腾出位置。
  • So as long as you persist your dream, god will make way for you!
  • The old paper mill has been abandoned to make way for a new shopping centre.
    老造纸厂被废弃了, 为一个新购物中心腾出地方。
  • Some would want the pig abattoir or the templekuilsurau to make way for development.
  • The pond was filled in,shortly after their return, to make way for an apartment complex.
  • The innocent are sometimes slain to make way for grander schemes. You were collateral damage.
  • With great sorrow, he watched his home being demolished to make way for the new shopping center.
  • The damaged goods train will have to be shunted onto a side line to make way for the passenger train.
  • Regal models of the old people are concerned about the phasing out of sight, to make way for a new LaCrosse.




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