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or so

  • 单词发音:英 [ ɔː(r) səʊ ] 美 [ ɔːr soʊ ]
  • 基本解释:大约;左右;把
  • or so 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 大约
  • 左右

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  • So the alarm goes off and it's five to 10 or so.
  • Your cousin is not so strong or so merry as you are.
  • No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous.
    以往的瘟疫从没象这次那么恐怖, 那么骇人听闻。
  • I do not know if I could have been so generous or so wise.
  • who feel so alienated or so threatened that they're not alone.
  • The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so.
  • So here's the problem that I've been interested in in the last decade or so.
    这就是我最近十年 在关心的一个事情
  • I am not so clever, or so reasoning, or so eloquent, or so anything, as you are.
    我不像你那么聪明, 那么能推理, 那么能言善辩, 等等。
  • Not so long ago, the consensus was that 1, 148 an ounce or so might be a top for gold.
  • This could have had potential to be a decent movie if it didn’t drag on so much. They should have condensed it by 30 mins or so.

or so的近反义词




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