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be known as

  • 单词发音:英 [ bi nəʊn æz ] 美 [ bi noʊn æz ]
  • 基本解释:被认为是;号称;叫做
  • be known as 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 被认为是
  • 动词(v.) 号称
  • 动词(v.) 叫做

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  • And I do not afraid that I will be known as pure adventurer.
  • As a result, they'll be known as the Lime and Bitters Lemons.
    这样得话, 他们可能要被称作酸橙或者苦柠檬了。
  • This town aspires to be known as the Silicon Valley of Malaysia.
  • And why does that agent desire that this reality be known as an artifice ?
  • Thrush have also come to be known as song birds as they have many attractive songs.
  • A tribunal appointed under this section shall be known as an Obscene Articles Tribunal.
  • He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years, and it came to be known as Poor Richards Almanac.
    这本年鉴持续出版了近25年, 以穷理查年鉴为人们所熟知。
  • They will often be diagnosed as having antisocial personality disorder, which can also be known as a sociopath.
  • From the start, the Chinese had lived apart in their own separate neighborhoods, which came to be known as ' Chinatowns '.
  • From this day on I would like to be known as the Big Aristotle, ' he said when he accepted his MVP award, ' because it was Aristotle who said excellence is not a singular act but a habit.




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