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by comparison

  • 单词发音:英 [ bai kəmˈpærisən ] 美 [ baɪ kəmˈpærɪsən ]
  • 基本解释:相比之下;相形之下
  • by comparison 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 相比之下
  • 相形之下

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by comparison 相关例句更多>

  • Dwarf vt. Cause to appear small by comparison
    使矮小, 使相形见绌
  • By comparison, this article is a notch above.
    相比较而言, 还是这篇文章略胜一筹。
  • By comparison with ANN, the characteristics of SVMs are analyzed.
  • The rest of the arts scene looks increasingly turgid by comparison.
  • By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilized comforts.
  • Liberal arts majors, by comparison, do not leave college with a particular set of skills.
    卡梅伦还表示, 政府所有层级都将有自由民主党的代表。
  • By comparison, hydrated lime has better adsorption effect than rectorite in the same condition.
  • By comparison, those with longer ring fingers were more likely to be affected by heart troubles later on in life.
  • Chapter Two analyses the set of the teaching aims of Classical Chinese in Mainland China and Taiwan by comparison.
  • The Similarity And Dissimilarity Between Chinese And Arabic Cultures By Comparison Of Borrowings In Chinese and Arabic




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