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gain weight

  • 单词发音:英 [ ɡein weit ] 美 [ ɡen wet ]
  • 基本解释:体重增加
  • gain weight 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 体重增加

gain weight 相关例句更多>

  • They make you gain weight like crazy.
  • drank too much easy to gain weight, physical function is harmful.
  • Overnight she developed an insatiable appetite, and began to gain weight.
  • Running is not an excuse intake of doughnuts because runners gain weight too.
  • During the pregnancy, it's normal to gain weight, but I literally ballooned up.
    怀孕时体重增加是正常的, 但是我胖得也太快了。
  • Summer pastimes burn calories, and when we eliminate those activities we may gain weight.
  • People who drink diet soft drinks don't lose weight. They gain weight, a new study finds.
    一项新的研究表明, 喝减肥软饮料的人不会变轻, 反而会变重。
  • Over the next several weeks, the ceramic will react with water in the air and gain weight.
    接下来几周, 陶瓷会和空气中的水反应并重量会增加。
  • A mission to gain weight. A mission to gain muscle. I have always dreamt of massive biceps.
    这个任务是要增加体重, 这个任务是肌肉发达。
  • The most important treatment is for patients to gain weight and thereby improve the health of their bones.




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