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now and then

  • 单词发音:英 [ naʊ ənd ðen ] 美 [ naʊ ənd ðen ]
  • 基本解释:有时,时而,不时;间或
  • now and then 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 有时,时而,不时
  • 间或
  • now and then 大小写变形: Now and Then

包含now and then的短语更多>

now and then 相关例句更多>

  • And every now and then.
  • And every now and then, something amazing happens.
  • Every now and then I fall apart And I need you now tonight.
    转过身, 明亮得眼睛, 当我要崩溃得时候。
  • Take a walk now and then to keep your body refreshed and alert.
    不时地去散散步, 会使你精神焕发, 神请气爽。
  • But now and then you open your eyes and gaze at a high lone cloud.
  • Their aircraft appeared now and then and dropped a few bombs at a time.
  • He assured me that it still works, and he takes it to Tok every now and then.
  • Give your plants a bath now and then with a soft cloth and a little soapy lukewarm water.
  • Between now and then, he and his family are making final appeals in a few battleground states.
  • Amidst her noble and elegant manners, there is now and then a little touch of bashfulness and conventional rusticity.

now and then的近反义词




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