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would like

  • 单词发音:英 [ wud laik ] 美 [ wʊd laɪk ]
  • 基本解释:想要
  • would like 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 想要

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  • If I would like to have excellence then he would give me a hug.
    如果我想到卓越, 卓越就会敞开怀抱。
  • We would like to have your custom, ie would like you to buy our goods.
  • I would like to get married, I would like to leave something to commemorate it.
  • You would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to cancel the submission.
    想要保密的信息, 请最好取消此次提交。
  • Now I would like to calculate with you the acceleration that a cylinder would obtain.
    现在我将和你们一起, 计算圆柱会获得得加速度。
  • I have to, I would like to make progress, I would like to see her mothers round face forever.
    我一定要努力, 我要上进, 我要永远中看妈妈的圆脸。
  • And the amazing thing to me is that now you would think this woman would like have excellent oral hygiene.
    让我吃惊的是,我本以为她会 又一口皓齿
  • We would like a quotation and approximate shipping date, and would greatly appreciate your immediate response.
  • The tree would like to be quiet but the wind is blowing while children would like to support but parents can't wait.
    树欲静而风不止, 子欲养而亲不待。
  • Now, what we would like to do is we would like to convert all this gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy of that disk.




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