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end up

  • 单词发音:英 [ end ʌp ] 美 [ end ʌp ]
  • 基本解释:最终,结果,到头来
  • end up 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 最终,结果,到头来

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end up 相关例句更多>

  • end up The poor boy will end up like a tramp dog.
  • you'll probably end up naked by the end of the day.
  • And you end you end up following your heart and feeling very fulfilled.
  • It was like a thread to find the end of it you end up pulling out a mess of silk.
    就如一根线, 为了找到线头, 却拉出了一团丝。
  • What do you do, then, if you happen to end up with the wrong trill note at the end
  • These always end up being a photograph at the end, or more like an etching in this case.
  • Many people try to go through this process on their own and end up losing big in the end.
  • By sounding off, you usually end up making a ranting speech that you end up regretting!
  • At the end of that, I end up with programs that are absolutely perfect at sorting numbers.
    结束时,我得到 绝对完美地分类资料的程式。
  • Since the end of mankind still fresh of the consequences of the fratricidal and end up similar fate.




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