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in the past

  • 单词发音:英 [ in ðə pɑːst ] 美 [ ɪn ði pæst ]
  • 基本解释:在过去;以往;平昔;往昔
  • in the past 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 在过去
  • 以往
  • 平昔
  • 往昔

in the past 相关例句更多>

  • In the past, agricultural taxes were the main tax revenue in our country.
    过去, 农业税是我国的主体税。
  • In addition, analysts warn that similar moves in the past have led to nothing.
  • Why the amount of Mainland China investment in Taiwan was so small in the past years?
  • In the past seven years, in President Eisenhower's administration, this situation has been reversed.
  • The paper describes the actual application of chitosan in the past three years in Huasheng Paper Mill.
  • Don t be complacent over achievements made in the past. Don t take the past failure too much to heart.
  • Guliya Ice Core Accumulation and Dry and Wet Change in South Part of South Xinjiang Basis in the Past 2000 Years
  • But in the past two centuries, the debate on the existence or abolish of the Capital punishment has been outspread in the academy of criminal law.
    但近两个世纪, 死刑存废的论争在全世界刑法学界展开。
  • We must adjust our lifestyle to enjoy the golden age when we become old in the future, but not make it end in the past period of youth and innocence.
  • Accounting for more than 3 million deaths in the past year alone, the AIDS virus has become@ the deadliest microbe in the world, more lethal than even TB and malaria.




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